Thursday, March 2, 2023

Why “Fun” Turned Into “Exercise” And Exercise Stopped Being Fun

When we were children, exercise was often synonymous with fun. We would play tag, climb trees, and ride our bikes for hours on end without even realizing that we were getting exercise. But as we grow older, exercise can become a chore, something that we have to do instead of something that we want to do. In this blog, we'll explore why "fun" turned into "exercise" and how we can bring the fun back into our workouts.

One reason why exercise can feel like a chore is because we often associate it with achieving a specific outcome, such as losing weight or building muscle. While having fitness goals is important, when we focus solely on the outcome, we can lose sight of the enjoyment of the process. Exercise becomes something that we have to do instead of something that we want to do.

Another reason why exercise can stop being fun is because we may not be engaging in activities that we enjoy. For example, if you hate running, but force yourself to do it every day, you're not going to enjoy your workouts. It's important to find activities that you enjoy, whether it's dancing, swimming, or playing basketball. When we enjoy what we're doing, exercise stops feeling like a chore and starts feeling like a fun activity.

Another factor that can contribute to exercise feeling like a chore is when we put too much pressure on ourselves. We may feel like we have to exercise for a certain amount of time, or we have to achieve a certain level of intensity. When we put too much pressure on ourselves, exercise becomes stressful instead of enjoyable.

So, how can we bring the fun back into our workouts? Here are a few tips:

Find activities that you enjoy. If you don't like going to the gym, try a dance class, yoga, or hiking instead. There are many different types of physical activity, so find something that you enjoy and make it a part of your routine.

Change up your routine. Doing the same workout every day can get boring. Try mixing it up by trying new exercises, or adding in some variety to your routine.

Focus on the process, not just the outcome. Instead of focusing solely on the results you want to achieve, try to enjoy the process of exercising. Celebrate small victories, like running an extra mile, or lifting a heavier weight.

Make it social. Exercising with friends or family can make it more enjoyable. You can even join a group fitness class or a sports team.

In conclusion, exercise doesn't have to feel like a chore. By finding activities that you enjoy, focusing on the process, and making it social, you can bring the fun back into your workouts. Remember, exercise should be a fun and enjoyable part of your daily routine, not just something that you have to do to achieve a specific outcome.


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